General CEU Information

  1. If a learner successfully completes a learning event that qualifies for continuing education units (CEUs), a CDISC education representative:
    1. will send instructions for accessing CEU records to learner
    2. will grant access to CEU certificate in online learning management system
    3. will update learner records with new CEU acquisition
    4. will notify learner of CEU status
    5. will confirm criteria for CEUs were met by learner.
  1. Calculating Continuing Education Units
    1. Formula for Calculation
      1. One CEU represents 10 learning contact hours, truncated to one decimal place.
      2. Example 1: a course that has 17 hours of allowable learning contact time yields 17 / 10 = 1.7 CEUs.  

      3. Example 2: a course has 15 hours of total contact time, of which 3.75 hours are not allowable yields 15 - 3.75 = 11.25 allowable hours; 11.25 / 10 = 1.125, which is truncated to 1.1 CEUs.      

  2. Activities that Qualify for CEUs - Activities that include a mechanism for assessing the learner’s achievement are eligible for CEUs.  Examples are: 
    1. INSTRUCTOR-LED - Classroom and online learning events led by instructor and/or qualified discussion leader; these may be real-time or asynchronous 
    2. ASSESSMENTS - Time used to complete learner assessments and program evaluations. 
    3. CONFERENCES - Planned learning activities within conferences events, including sessions, workshops and any other event that was developed and delivered following CDISC Education’s development processes.  
    4. SELF-PACED LEARNING - Planned program of learning in which the student determines the order and timing of the course materials, and in which the learner’s progress is tracked and feedback is provided through standardized assessments; no instructor participates in the process.  These are typically online and on-demand.  
  3. Activities that do Not Qualify for CEUs - The following activities are not eligible for awarding CEUs.   
    1. BREAKS - Time periods during training that are not planned learning, such as breaks, lunch, discussions about non-class subjects
    2. TEAM MEMBERSHIP AND LEADERSHIP ACTIVITIES - Holding membership or serving on a CDISC standards development team 
    3. COURSE DEVELOPMENT - Developing courses in association with CDISC Education 
    4. INDIVIDUAL SCHOLARSHIP - Independent writings such as articles, books, research reports, or presentation of papers  
  4. Learning record storage
    1. Education representative will store learning records for a minimum of seven years
    2. Education representative will maintain online learning record database.
    3. Learning records will be maintained in a secure location in order to protect learner confidentiality and record integrity.
  5. Transcript retrieval
    • Learner can access training records through online LMS learning record database.
    • Instructions for accessing online LMS learning record database are accessible on CDISC Education “Information for Learners” webpage on CDISC website.
    • Education representative will provide technical support to learners on retrieving learning records in online LMS learning record database as needed.
    • Education will maintain confidentiality by releasing learning records only to the learner.
    • If an individual wishes to access another learner’s records, they must obtain written and signed permission from record holder.

For more information on CEUs and CDISC training, contact CDISC Education at