CDISC Members Only Webinar: ODM v2 Overview



ODMv2 represents a significant step toward modernizing the CDISC Data Exchange Standards to spark more efficient methods of data exchange throughout the clinical research data lifecycle. This presentation will discuss the vision and drivers motivating the advances in ODMv2. The CDISC Data Exchange Standards play a major role in supporting standards-based automation and the planned advances in these standards increase the opportunities to develop new, innovative software tools based on these standards.

ODM-XML v1.3.2 is the most current version of the standard. A number of CDISC standards have been developed by extending ODM-XML including:  Define-XMLSDM-XMLDataset-XMLCTR-XML and CT-XML. ODM-XML provides a common base structure for these standard extensions easing the learning curve and implementation complexity.

  • Sam Hume, DSc., VP, Data Science, CDISC
Language: English