Response Codes

Code Phrase Description
200 OK The request was processed successfully.
202 Accepted The request has been accepted for further processing of a deferred response.
204 No Content The request was processed successfully, but no matching content was found. Indicates the asset id exists, but the request returned no content.
400 Bad Request Server cannot process request due to client error like a malformed request. This code is also returned for an invalid optional query parameter to communicate that a problem exists with the request.
401 Unauthorized Request not processed due to invalid authorization header or authentication failure. When the user id in the query parameter is invalid a response code of 400 is returned.
404 Not Found Requested an invalid Library Name or Asset ID. In this case, the library or asset id does not exist.
405 Method Not Allowed Unsupported HTTP method.
406 Not Acceptable Request not processed due to invalid Media Type specified in the HTTP header.
409 Conflict Indicates the requested asset is locked. A 409 will be returned if the requesting role does not have the required permissions.
500 Internal Server Error Server encountered an unexpected condition to serve the request.