Prior Crohn's Disease Resections, by Locations

This CRF collects prior Crohn's Disease resections by gastrointestinal location.

"Prior Crohn's Disease Resections by Location [CD_PRRLOC]" Form Preview
Prior Crohn's Disease Resections by Location
Prior Crohn's Disease resections, by locations
* What was the category of the procedure?
* What was the subcategory of the procedure?
* What was the procedure name?
* Was the procedure prespecified?
* Were any gastrointestinal (GI) tract resections performed? No  Yes  
If any GI resections were performed, was the ileocecal junction removed? No  Yes  
If any GI resections were performed, how much of the ileum was removed? Complete  Partial  No resection  
If any GI resections were performed, how much of the right colon was removed? Complete  Partial  No resection  
If any GI resections were performed, how much of the transverse colon was removed? Complete  Partial  No resection  
If any GI resections were performed, how much of the left colon was removed? Complete  Partial  No resection  
If any GI resections were performed, how much of the rectum was removed? Complete  Partial  No resection  
* Mandatory field
