CDASH Office Hours


Date and Time:
THU, 16 APR 2020, 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM Eastern US Standard Time


Ask panelists any questions regarding the development and implementation  of CDASH, CDISC’s standard for data collection. Examples of questions recently received include:

  • Do we have to use the ddMONyyyy date format?
  • Do we have to store the date that way?
  • Why does the CDASH IG keep referring to SDTM? My job is just to collect the data.
  • What does “traceability” actually mean, and how do we do it in CDASH?

There is a space on the webinar registration page to submit your questions in advance so that our panelists can prepare responses. Panelists will also receive questions during the webinar and inform attendees of the latest news in CDASH development.
Bess LeRoy, Head of Standards Development, CDISC
Kit Howard, Sr. Director, Standards Development and Education, CDISC
Gary Walker, CDASH Instructor and Development Team Member, CDISC